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I am so excited that you are planning to enrol in Powerful Positioning! Before you purchase this experience there are a few things you need to know in terms of what you can expect and the support you will receive. Please read the terms below and if you have any questions once you’ve finished please do not hesitate to get in touch - we will be happy to answer any questions.
Katy x

The terms and conditions set out below apply to your purchase of the program, “Powerful Positioning” offered by Design & Align Ltd. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which we provide services to you, as purchaser of this program. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound to and which cannot be waived.

Powerful Positioning is a live coaching program with Katy, delivered online via two video calls. You will receive information that will support you in powerfully positioning your business.

Following successful purchase of this experience you will receive an email confirming the date and time of the live calls and providing the zoom dial-in details. If you are unable to attend live you will receive a link to access the replay within 24 hours of the live call.
Should an unforeseen reason arise which causes the live call(s) to be postponed it will be rescheduled for the first available date.
Please be aware that the information is delivered entirely in English and no translations are provided.
Katy Stevenson Bretton is experienced in providing coaching services as an Accredited Coach (Association for Coaching), a Certified NLP Practitioner (Association for Integrative Psychotherapy), and an experienced business owner and interior design professional.
Limitations and Exclusions of Liability
We are not liable to you in respect of any loss or damage which may arise as a result of you purchasing this experience. You should use your best judgement in using the information provided, noting that whilst the content will support you in growing your business, it is not bespoke to you and your business. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using our services and the content provided. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the content and services purchased. It is your individual responsibility to apply what is shared and taught in the course to your personal circumstances both during the course and afterwards. Each individual is unique and their starting position and commitment is unique to them. We cannot guarantee results or outcomes of any kind or over any period.
In marketing our services we may share testimonials or results achieved by other clients. Such testimonials are not an inducement and do not act as a guarantee that you will achieve similar results. Failure to attend the live call(s) or watch the replay(s) will limit your ability to benefit from the information provided and will naturally limit any results.
We are not liable to you for any delay or failure to perform our obligations if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

All purchases are final. Whether you attend the live calls or watch the trainings or not, you remain fully responsible for any unpaid balance of the total cost of the program. By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge your obligation to pay the program cost in full.

Should you require any technical support in respect of accessing the program materials then we are happy to help you. Please email and you will receive a reply. We aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours if you message Monday - Friday, otherwise a response will follow the next working day.

It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards other participants is polite and respectful. Katy Stevenson Bretton and/or Design & Align Ltd will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other participant. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate we reserve the right to remove you from the program with immediate effect.

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. We will keep your personal data confidential and will never share it with unconnected third parties. Your payment information will be processed by a secure third-party processor. We will be provided with your email address and name but never be provided with your financial information.
Please be aware that the live calls will be recorded and your name and image/video may be captured. The recording of the training will be kept and made available to everyone who has purchased this experience. If you provide or share any information within the training about yourself or your business that information will be shared within the group. Should you not wish to be recorded please ensure that if you attend any training your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initial so that support can still be offered but no personal identifiable information will be captured.
In enrolling in this masterclass you agree not to provide or share any confidential or sensitive information about other participants or their businesses that you become aware of as part of your participation in this experience.
For more detail on how we manage your data you can view my/our privacy policy here:

If you purchase this experience as a consumer, rather than a business, then should you change your mind following your purchase you are entitled to a refund within 14 days of payment. Should you receive, use or complete any element of the experience prior to requesting a refund then any refund will be issued pro-rata for the services provided.

Please be advised that we reserve all rights to our intellectual property for all of our services including but not limited to video recordings, training modules, teachings or methods, supporting documents, other supporting resources (with the exception of links to external content provided by third parties), voice memos, text messages, and live calls. This means that whilst you are free to watch, listen, read or use the download digitally or print out a copy for personal use you are not permitted to copy, distribute, adapt, edit or share any of our products with third parties. Disclosing or reproducing any of the information you receive to third parties, in your own social media content, or your own coaching or mentoring services is strictly prohibited.
You may not share your password or login information with anyone. If you share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the services or product, your access will be removed immediately and no refund will be issued. Any violations of our intellectual property rights will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.

If you have any feedback about this program please do share it with us. It is always great to receive words of praise and also helpful to get constructive comments. We really hope that you love this program as much as we do but should you be unhappy with any aspect of the experience please email us, placing ‘Complaint’ in the subject field and send your email to
We agree to look into your complaint carefully and promptly and take reasonable steps to resolve it.
You agree to not publicly or privately make any comments that denigrate our services, Design & Align Ltd, or Katy Stevenson Bretton, including on social media. This restriction does not apply to any comments required by mediation or law.

We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions in respect of the program delivered to you. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.
If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.
These Terms are governed by English law. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of your purchase of the program.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One Payment (£397)£397.00
  • Preferred option
    Two Payments (2x £222.00)2x £222.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Having people know what you do and why you’re the ONLY designer for them doesn’t happen by magic.

It definitely doesn’t happen by posting random content all day.

If you don't know what makes you unique... your target audience doesn't know either.

If your dream clients don’t understand ‘why you’ there is no reason for them to choose you.

If you show up as 'perfect'... you live in fear of disappointing.

In a sea of many designers...

Try to be for everyone and you end up being for no one.  You get lost. Overlooked. Drowned out by everyone else. 

Powerfully position yourself and you’ll have your pick of dream clients prepared to pay premium prices 


 The ways fear is leading you to play small and settle for unideal clients... and how to magnetise dream clients and projects that light you up

What makes you different & better than your competitors... this is your brand DNA

How to create your Unique Value Proposition... so you’re connecting your expertise to the specific needs & desires of your dream clients

How to channel your unique magic and turn it into powerful messaging   no more wasting time on social media - when you’re clear on who you are + who you’re for, you’ll never have nothing to say and every post will work for your brand 

 How to shake off your fear of judgment, overcome your worry about over-promising and become rock solid in your expertise.

The powerful mindset & energetic work to shift you from worrying about who’s watching to showing up like the empowered creative leader you truly are

Plus 2 Bonus Trainings

The Testimonial That Writes Itself

Pricing as a Positioning Tool

Powerful Positioning is your BRAND STRATEGY.  

I'm sharing how to cultivate and communicate your unique essence so that you're building recognition and trust with your target audience...

...And the certainty that YOU are the one for them, which underpins your ability to charge more

Thinking your business will take off, simply because you published your website… 

… Is like thinking you’ll make millions, simply because you opened a bank account

If no one knows what you're about (and you’re not sure yourself)

If you’re watching others gain the recognition you dream of…

If you’re frustrated by unappealing enquiries + unideal clients who don't 'get' your value…

If you’re telling yourself you're no expert because you don’t know how to draw in AutoCad… 

If you grew up being told “no one likes a show off” so you’re scared to let people know how brilliant you really are...

 …You need to learn the secret of Powerful Positioning

 Powerful Positioning has helped my clients and me…

Stand out in a crowded market

Skyrocket from £100k/ year to £100k in just 4 months

Create a brand new Instagram account and gain 2k followers in less than 2 months

Be recognised as a thought leader and invited to speak on stages

Call in two dream project enquiries with one post… and win them both in a matter of days

Imagine where you and your business would be if you…

Felt so secure in your skills & experience

 And weren't afraid to communicate it

This is so possible for you… once you learn Powerful Positioning

Katy brings so much knowledge and wisdom, you would be missing out if you didn't enrol! This course really made me stop and think about how I am currently positioning myself, and where I need to make the changes to really position myself as THE designer my clients want to work with.

Arlo Interior Design, Leeds

I'm now showing up for my business, making much bolder moves and positioning myself better, with every post working as hard as possible and always targeted at my ideal client. And I am now so much better at saying who I am for and how I do it and believing in myself!  If you're thinking about Powerful Positioning.... what are you waiting for??!

Interior Designer, London

Powerful Positioning was so inspiring! It's given me the direction I needed with my positioning

Interior Designer, London
  • Total payment
  • 1xPowerful Positioning£0

All prices in GBP
